Monday, July 6, 2015

Diving Back In

     For a while, I gave up on this blog.

1. I don't have the time. 
2. I'm not sure what kind of blog I want it to be. 
3. Who will read it anyway?

    Over the past few weeks, I have been reflecting on this past school year and finally figured out why I owe it to both myself and my past/future students to blog, at least every once in a while. :)

1. How many times this year did I hear the phrase, "I couldn't do my blog this week, Miss Castronovo. I didn't have time." Those sentences would be followed by a long story about late night cheer or hockey practices, season finales of their favorite shows, or reasons why they were just too exhausted. This was often met with my all too familiar "Responsibility is Important" speech before directing the student to the stack of Responsibility Cards.   
    Thinking back on this, I asked myself,  "How can I expect my students to make time for their homework assignments, when I myself claim to be "too busy" to blog?" Granted, for me, blogging is optional while theirs is required. Still, there's something to be said for setting time aside to reflect or share an idea about something that has sparked one's interests. If I want my students to log onto our class blog every week feeling motivated, I need to get into the habit myself.  

2. I'm lucky enough to have been working in a wonderful district that allows my students and me to always take risks and try something new. As a teacher "only" going into her third year, the sheer amount of classroom management and teaching methods I've tried, reflected upon, and changed up throughout the year can truly make your head spin! Isn't that the fun of teaching though?! As teachers, we should be eager to try something new and exciting, as well as to always be on the look out for different ways to adjust things that may not have worked out as we had planned. A classroom is an ever changing entity. Each new class needs something different than the last, and every year we come suited with new techniques we learned on Twitter, from PDs, or from books we've read. It's the furthest thing from boring, and I love it!
     So what does this all have to do with my blog? Well, I realized that I don't know exactly what the purpose of this space will be just yet, and that's OK! I'm ready to explore and revise just as my students and I do each and every day in our classroom. I'm eager to share and to hopefully learn a thing or two both personally and professionally.

3. I love to write, but most of all, I love to share my passion for writing. Some of my favorite moments involve discussions with my students about a story or non-fiction piece they've been working on. I've noticed, and I'm sure you have as well, that students are often motivated to produce their best work when they know that someone other than me will be reading it. Oh the magic of writing celebrations (and soon PBLs - hopefully)! Still, while this is a great way to motivate creativity and focus, my hope is that students learn to write even if just for themselves. It's important to write with the purpose of sharing a message, but it's just as important to write for an audience of one. We learn so much when we stop and think back on all that we have done and still strive to accomplish.

    I hope that this post serves as motivation for my PLN, my students, and myself. Write a lot and write often, with or without purpose. Here's to diving back into blogging!


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