About Me

My name is Jessica and I'm an elementary school teacher in the lovely Garden State! Although I have just a few notches on my teaching belt, I've decided to share my classroom thoughts, crafts, and ideas with others. Many other bloggers and "Tweeters" have helped me to shape my classroom into more than I could have ever thought possible, and I want nothing more than to return the favor. So take a swim around and catch some fresh classroom ideas.
I hope you enjoy!

Follow me on Twitter! -  @MissCastronovo7

What's With the Fish Tank?

Welcome to the Fish Tank! Yes, that's what I affectionately came to call my old fifth grade classroom. It was a fine space with great potential, but its only (rather large) window with a view straight into the heart of our frequently visited library quite literally made me and my students a main attraction in our giant school of fish. Well, I say let them all have a look! There are so many wonderful things happening in our classroom and I'm eager to share them all with you! (Just refrain from tapping on the glass, please. We're learning in here!) 

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