Monday, January 26, 2015

Celebrating Our Literary Essays!

     This month's writing unit allowed my fifth graders to dive into literary essays! To keep things interesting, we used various fairy-tales, fables and legends as inspiration for our many thesis statements, and boy do we now know these types of folktales inside and out!

    Due to their length and, in the eyes of an eleven-year-old, sometimes dry content, literary essay celebration can be a bit boring for some students. Let's be honest, how many essays can you read one after the other without needing a serious coffee break or nap?

    It is for this reason that I chose to keep my kiddos up and moving throughout this writing celebration, using chart paper and post-its!

     Students were paired with a different partner for each section of the literary essay (introduction, body paragraphs x3, and conclusion). After reading the appropriate paragraph(s) to their partner, students exchanged a complement and a helpful suggestion. Each partner was expected to record the complement and suggestion they received on a post-it and to stick it to our class celebration chart. By the end of this activity, we had quite a few different writing strengths to praise as a class, as well as a few ideas for ways we could continue to enhance our writing. 

    Overall, the kids loved this one! 

Happy celebrating!